In order to finance its numerous ventures SMP has organized several fundraising events, and received generous contributions from donors & members. These functions vary from social events to athletic activities and tournaments. Although these have taken on various forms, their commonality rests in the success that illustrates an unwavering commitment to SMP’s vision.
5K Fundraising Marathon
The tri-annual 5km Fundraising Marathon started in 2004, and is the longest running, consecutive fundraising event for SMP. With an estimated total of $50,000 EC ($18,000 US) to date, each of these events raises enough money to cover the expenses incurred to run one Saturday clinic session. The dedicated students, supporters & local business sponsors weather the tropical climate of Dominica, and through their efforts ensure that the Kalinago community has continuity of medical care. Other Fundraising Events
Beach Barbecues & SMP Socials
The first SMP fundraiser was held in the spring of 2002 by its founding members. This beach barbecue was attended by over 100 people, raising enough money to import the first shipment that included an autoclave, supplies and medications.
With each passing semester, this event grew in popularity, translating into more funds to improve the previous clinic’s structure and sanitation. Although these events (or their subsequent iterations) are no longer held, their collective success illustrates the early support for SMP’s work.